Interview with Brooke Prentis

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In this series, we interview Networking Team members of INFEMIT about the impacts and implications of COVID-19 on our understanding of mission and theology. In this episode, we talk to Brooke Prentis, who has experienced COVID-19 from her home in the lands now called Australia. As an aboriginal Christian leader from the Wakka Wakka peoples, Brooke particularly explores what this time has meant for aboriginal people in her context.

Interview with Seble Daniel

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In this series, we interview Networking Team members of INFEMIT about the impacts and implications of COVID-19 on our understanding of mission and theology. In this episode, we talk to Seble Daniel, who has experienced COVID-19 from her home in Ethiopia. Seble particularly explores what COVID looks like for the vulnerable and the churches in her context.

¿Quién hace la historia?: Espiritualidad e identidad indígena de la misión

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Resumen de la reunión llevado por Memoria Indígena y la Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana durante los días 11 a 13 de septiembre, 2015 en Lima, Perú. Haz clic aquí para ver el resumen. The Latin American Theological Fellowship and Indigenous Memory … Continued

2015 Stott-Bediako Forum: Gospel and the World Today

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Text from Oxford Center for Mission Studies July 2015, Jordan The annual Stott-Bediako Forum is jointly organised by the International Fellowship for Mission as Transformation (INFEMIT) and Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS), United Kingdom. The 2015 Forum took place … Continued