by Jocabed Solano
Presented for the Stott-Bediako Forum
In her presentation for the Stott-Bediako Forum, Jocabed Solano, an indigenous Guna woman, speaks about listening to and learning from indigenous memories in our paths toward peace building and conflict transformation. Having borne centuries of physical and intellectual colonization, we must recover and learn from the experiences and wisdom of the indigenous people and the ways they have resisted colonialism in its various forms to birth vibrant, contextual Christian theologies and spiritualities.
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Following the paths of indigenous memory allows us to understand the living memories of indigenous peoples. The indigenous peoples of Abya Yala (Latin America) have a vast memory of celebration, resistance, lament and insurgency. They have co-inhabited with the Creator Community from an ethic of reciprocity, integrality and complementarity.
Jocabed Solano
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