by Julián Guamán and Peter Wigginton
Presented for the Stott-Bediako Forum
In this interview for the Stott-Bediako Forum, Julián Guamán and Peter Wigginton share stories from the Kichwa-Andean worldview that demonstrate co-existence between cultures. The Kichwa-Andean creation care narrative provides an example of how to work towards peace. Today many humans and, unfortunately, the Christian world seem to be at war against God’s creation. The narratives of the Kichwa people and numerous other native peoples with deep knowledge of how to care for creation provide an example that can guide us in how to live in peace with our sister, God’s creation, and how to actively work to resolve our conflicts with nature and with our neighbor. This presentation does not part from the idea that the native / aboriginal world was a perfect world that has to be observed from afar, but rather a joint task respecting and correcting the atrocities of the past, and together seeking the Kingdom of God. What does the narrative of peace with Creation offered by our Kichwa-Andean brothers and sisters teach us for life in the Church and in the world?
Presentation: Part 1 (enable English subtitles):
Presentation: Part 2 (enable English subtitles):
…we see this community where there is solidarity, where there is fellowship, where there are economic and social dimensions. That is what is important to note in Acts and what is posed in the kingdom itself, what Jesus proposes as the kingdom of God
Julián Guamán
Next page for English transcript (página 3 para transcripción en español)
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