Updates to Celebrate from June and July

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It is with joy that we write to share some exciting updates from the INFEMIT Networking Team over the past two months…

American Society of Missiology Annual Meeting

The 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Missiology was held this June in South Bend, Indiana with some incredible highlights! Al Tizon, Networking Team member in North America, served as president and brought together an excellent group of contributors, including plenary speakers Ron Sider, Fr. Ben Beltran, and Debra Mumford. We also got to celebrate Samuel Escobar for his life’s work in missiology as he received the Lifetime Achievement Award.

“Over 240 professors, executives, and practitioners of mission met to explore the theme, “Lifestyles of the Rich and Faithful,” essentially asking ourselves the question, How should the fact of the gap between the rich and the poor impact the way we live and practice mission around the world?…” – Al Tizon

Read more about the 2019 ASM Annual Meeting

Stott-Bediako Consultation

Seventeen participants from fourteen countries joined in-person and online for discussions around the theme, Peace Building and Conflict Transformation from a lens of postcolonialism and indigenous Christianity. This Consultation, the papers, and reflections offered will contribute to next year’s public Stott-Bediako Forum. We are very grateful for the enriching time together in fellowship and for the honest, challenging, and hopeful reflections that emerged.

More on this year’s Consultation and a ‘Save the Date’ for the 2020 Stott-Bediako Forum will be coming soon on our website.

Faith and Life

Four years ago, INFEMIT began explorations with partner organizations and institutions for the creation of a Master’s Program in Faith and Life, drawing from the theological and pedagogical frameworks offered by the Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios (CETI) in Latin America. In Arad, Romania, Corneliu Constantineanu and Marcel Macelaru used the Faith and Life model along with the questions and resources of their context to build a Master’s program in Faith and Public Life. This year, the first cohort of students graduated from this program, and the university obtained accreditation for the version in English. In light of the high interest in the program, a Doctoral degree is also being created and approved using the Faith and Life model.

We congratulate the graduates, INFEMIT friends, and the University of Arad Romania for their hard work and dedication! For any interested, click to view the flyer for the English program.

Thank you for celebrating with us! Please share this information with anyone in your network or community who would be interested or encouraged by the work of INFEMIT.