Statement from White South African Christian Leaders on Recent Actions by the United States Government

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On 7 February 2025, the President of the United States of America issued an executive order withdrawing all U.S. government aid to South Africa… The stated reasons for these actions are claims of victimisation, violence and hateful rhetoric against white people in South Africa along with legislation providing for the expropriation of land without compensation. As white South Africans in active leadership within the Christian community, representing diverse political and theological perspectives, we unanimously reject these claims.

Nina Balmaceda on Imagining Shalom Together

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As we prepare for our next Stott-Bediako Forum on Transformation Revisited: Mission and Gospel Imagination, we are holding conversations with members of the INFEMIT Community to explore some of the related themes. In this podcast, we talk with Nina Balmaceda about Shalom, exploring specific examples of transformation that are evidenced in the peace building and advocacy work of Paz y Esperanza in South America.

Zac Niringiye on Christianity, Christendom, and the Gospel

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Continuing the conversation begun at the Stott-Bediako Forum on Jesus and Empire: Christian Witness in the Context of Power, several members of the INFEMIT community met with Zac Niringiye to explore and lament how much of dominant Christianity today embodies empire in its vision of domination, conquest, and violence. Zac’s original presentation to the Forum is titled: “Christianity as a Narrative of the Deception of Empire: Whither the promise of justice and love, held out in the Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth?”

Martin Accad on Jesus and Challenging Systems of Power

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Continuing the conversation begun at the Stott-Bediako Forum on Jesus and Empire: Christian Witness in the Context of Power, several members of the INFEMIT community met with Martin Accad to ask questions about his research and work challenging the systems of power in Lebanon. Martin’s original presentation to the Forum is titled: “Jesus and Revolution: Leading a Change Movement and Reinvesting the Public Space.”

Ruth Padilla DeBorst on Theology, Political Power, and Alternative Communities

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Continuing the conversation begun at the Stott-Bediako Forum on Jesus and Empire: Christian Witness in the Context of Power, several members of the INFEMIT community met with Ruth Padilla DeBorst to ask questions about her research and experiences with communities attempting to live out alternative ways of engaging power. Ruth’s original presentation to the Forum is titled: “Confluence and Clash: Reformed and Anabaptist Positions Regarding Power within the Early Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana.”