Remembering Ron Sider

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As INFEMIT, we grieve for the loss of our dear friend and brother, Ron Sider, as we also celebrate his life and the ways he challenged and inspired so many. Over the weeks since his death, several individuals and organizations have honored Ron by sharing testimonies about the way his writing, activism, lifestyle, and his friendship have impacted them. We invite you to sit with their words or listen to Ron, himself, in a podcast he did with INFEMIT last year. We’ve curated a number of resources here that give a glimpse into the life of our brother who we will deeply miss.

Past articles from INFEMIT

From Christians for Social Action

For information about Ron’s memorial service, click here.

Other articles about Ron Sider

Died: Ron Sider, Evangelical Who Pushed for Social Action by Daniel Silliman, Christianity Today

Ron Sider’s deep faith by Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans, The Christian Century